Accessories Info
One Piece Wooden Oars
We have now sourced beautiful new one piece oars from a European supplier. They come with rubber collars making rowing your Seahopper a delight.
Side seats
Outboard Bracket (motor mount)
This is the standard bracket supplied most often for people who want to alternate between using a rudder sailing or rowing, or an outboard for motoring.
Dual Purpose Outboard Bracket
Dagger Board
Rudder and Tiller
Buoyancy Bags and Straps
Standard with the sailing version. The bags are blue in colour, made of 0.16” PVC and conform to BS 3501-1. Each bag is 55cm long and 22cm diameter. Supplied with fixing straps, as an added extra to stop you having to buy these elsewhere.
Side Air Fenders
Seahopper Carry Bag
A neat black waterproof carry bag with strong shoulder loop making it easy for an able bodied person to carry all the parts of a Scamp in one package. For the Lighter it might be best to carry the seats separately, unless you have two people available. The Kondor with all its kit is definitely a two person lift.